Kompani K: Onkel Osvalds Orkester, Spelar Til Dans

NOMA Is Short For “Nordisk Mad” (A Friend Of A Friend)

Posted in D-LUX 5, Free Liu Xia, Free Pussy Riot by Knutsvik on September 29, 2012

Thursday, 27th September 2012. Copenhagen.

the Malmø meeting is not the real reason for the trip. I’m a friend of a friend, and the man I meet has an opening at a NOMA-table and most kindly thought of me. NOMA is considered to be the best restaurant in the world the past years, and the birthplace of the current focus on new Nordic cuisine.

the set meny is basically identical for lunch and dinner; 13 appetizers followed by ten proper courses. the four of us have a lunch booking. we sit for four hours, and between us we’ve eaten our way through some of the finest restaurants of Europe, Asia and the US. nothing compares to the NOMA experience.

one of the sommeliers worked at one of our places for a brief while ten years ago or so. he didn’t know we were coming, but immediately dedicates his shift to our table through the entire meal. afterwards he invites us on a private tour backstage to see the facilities. fifty cooks work 16 hour shifts to make the magic happen. most of them work for free, I guess, they work to learn and to become better cooks and because there’s nothing else they would rather do.

the Malmø meeting was not the real reason for the trip. nothing compares to this. there’s nothing else they would rather do.

8 Responses

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  1. AJG said, on September 29, 2012 at 3:24 AM

    I’ve been dying to go to NOMA. Hope it is amazing!

    • Knutsvik said, on September 29, 2012 at 12:38 PM

      hey, AJG, and welcome!

      if you ever get the chance to go don’t hesitate – they take cooking to an entirely different level. the entire experience was mindblowing!


  2. stjernetyven said, on September 29, 2012 at 2:19 PM

    Ooooh! You lucky, lucky bastard! Noma har stått på ønskelisten min leeenge. Maemo også. Må spare litt bare 😀

    • Knutsvik said, on September 29, 2012 at 3:06 PM

      haha, ay Starry, I felt like a lucky bastard, og det er jeg sikker på at en foodie som deg også ville gjort! book bord så fort du bare kan 😀

      (pst: det er ikke så dyrt egentlig, det er betraktelig billigere enn å gå til advokat, og mye hyggeligere også 😀 )


      • stjernetyven said, on October 1, 2012 at 7:40 PM

        Det er noe med det… å sette det i perspektiv. Mye annet unyttig en bruker penger på – til og med mer unyttig enn dyre advokater 😀

        Nå skal jeg sette til livs to rundstykker med fårepøsle på. Middagen sin det tenker jeg… :Men jeg bruker meierismør alstå! 😀

        • Knutsvik said, on October 2, 2012 at 10:34 AM

          hahaha, fårepølse er jo kjeeempegodt, Starry!

          (nå får (haha) tiden kjennes det nesten ut som om jeg lever på reinsdyrpølsen fra Rekedal. den er god den!)


          (PS – det koster 1500 for maten og 950 for vinpakken. pluss tips ….)

  3. hobokollektiv said, on October 1, 2012 at 2:20 PM

    Now that’s what I call an experience. Eating like a king because you deserve it. Great food, great wine, great friends: All it takes to make us lucky these days. Nearly all, because I neet these photographic pearls of yours to get me through another day & another night, captein!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

    • Knutsvik said, on October 2, 2012 at 10:39 AM

      ay, Fritsch – it was truly a unique experience, the food, the wine and the friendship… the only thing missing was the chance to make pictures, and luckily that presented itself. a perfect afternoon, in other words!

      thanks, pal!

      keep it up!

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