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He Just Played “Blue Bayou” For The Drunks Every Night (Juicyfied)

Posted in 5D-II, Free Liu Xia, Free Pussy Riot by Knutsvik on January 13, 2013

bluebayouSaturday, 12th January 2013.

he never knew it was all going to be like this. he was born somewhere else, and never knew he was going to be a king.

he was just a cool, cowboy hat wearing Bergen bartender with a thing for a short order cook across the street and he liked Linda Ronstadt  and dreamt of writing a screenplay about his own life. he always said “juicy” whenever the drunks ordered something. – give me a beer, buddy, they said.  – juicy! – Jack and coke, please. – oh, that’s juicy…. he called his secret screenplay “Juicyfied” and told the drunks about it all the time.

oh, that’s juicy.

he never knew it was going to be all like this. he just liked Linda Ronstadt and played “Blue Bayou” for the drunks every night.

12 Responses

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  1. MT said, on January 13, 2013 at 9:22 AM

    Sånn kan det gå ja,Livet,you know.:)

    Eg likar såå godt dei blå tonar. Bildet viser at det kan gå både nedover og oppover med oss, vi får rette ryggen å ha eit mål.

    • Knutsvik said, on January 14, 2013 at 10:05 AM

      haha, ay, Marie, oh ja livet – det er juicy *ler*

      det har vore mykje blåfarge her i det siste, og då vert det vanskelig å unngå blå bilete …..

      *rettar opp mandagsmorgonryggen og kaffiskålar i kontorstolen* 😀


      • MT said, on January 16, 2013 at 12:09 PM

        På denne spesielle dag skålar eg med deg 🙂
        Marieklemmar med smell i !

        • Knutsvik said, on January 17, 2013 at 12:11 AM

          ay, Marie – takk, takk! det har vore to travle dagar, tre tyske byar berre i dag, men no er eg endeleg heime – og kjenner meg gammal 😀



          • MT said, on January 17, 2013 at 8:24 PM

            Know the feeling *ler*

            Kjenner meg gammal sjølv i dag, vore gjennom eit maraton som eg tapte. Nye sjanser kjem nok 🙂

            • Knutsvik said, on January 18, 2013 at 11:13 AM

              ay, Marie – det kjem alltid eit tog – det lærte eg “the hard way” i forgår *ler* 😀

              (no kan du roe ned eit bel og lese ferdig boka di, slik oss halvgamle folk likar!)


  2. hobokollektiv said, on January 13, 2013 at 3:05 PM

    “Saving nickles saving dimes / Working til the sun don’t shine / Looking forward to happier times / On Blue Bayou”

    And when the sun don’t shine we’re caught on the blue bayou. Drowning in night. Wearing cowboy hats. Thinking about where we come from & where to go. Never knowing if arriving is a blessing or a curse. With a head full of blues & eyes wide open staring into the smoke filled night. And the juices start to flow.

    We never knew it was going to be all like this. But it was the only way it could be.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

    • Knutsvik said, on January 14, 2013 at 10:16 AM

      ay, Florian, buddy, guys like us have to spend it like it’s going out of style, huh, we have to spend it ’till there’s nothing left but faded jeans and worn down boots and Friday night whiskey and Monday morning coffee …..

      it’s the only thing left. it’s the only way it can be …..

      stay in the shadows, buddy, stay in the shadows!


  3. z ... said, on January 14, 2013 at 11:48 AM


    It is beautiful MK, and it is so me
    the Song I mean – I have played on and on….
    and the Text is so hermetic yet open
    and Time and Space flows afloat
    Juicy is such a delicious World
    with a soft Palate and a Sun Ray
    like a Nectar of ancient Rite on a magical
    but empty sweet Day …then she reached
    for a Capsule of Royal Jelly…


    • Knutsvik said, on January 14, 2013 at 11:02 PM

      ay, Zamoysky, like all true art Blue Bayou is a meditation on the seen and the unseen, on time falling into itself and space expanding and imploding, and it is a masterpice of technical perfection for Linda’s singing is unsurpassed too . it is the essence of true tears in the beer-country music and something any good bartender would play to his drunken patrons ….

      ay, Zamoysky – true tears in the beer-country music!


      • z ... said, on January 15, 2013 at 11:30 AM


        Oh that is so beautiful, MK
        I will float away on those Currents
        Feels like Home is another Jewel
        and I forgot to say it was your Text
        I refereed to first of all, pardon


        • Knutsvik said, on January 18, 2013 at 11:22 AM

          ay, Zamoysky, Polish Princessa, Linda’s voice has matured on Feels Like A Home and is earthier and …. maybe even better than on Blue Bayou, but it is hard to tell which voice is better – or if one is better than the other at all for they both reveal the hidden, they both sing the unseen and glow in the twilight of a drunken man’s dying soul ……

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