Kompani K: Onkel Osvalds Orkester, Spelar Til Dans

The Best Writers Apparently All Come From Odda (Samtale Ventar)

Posted in 5D-II, Free Liu Xia, Free Pussy Riot by Knutsvik on July 21, 2013


Sunday, 21st July 2013. Andalucia.

it’s Sunday, and I’m hungover.

we got up at 3.30 am yesterday to catch the plane. I and O welcomed us with cava at the patio at 11. it was a long day, but dinner was great. thai-style mussels and panfried sea bass at The Playwright. the place was packed. they have portraits of James Joyce and Henrik Ibsen on the walls, and at ten an English Elvis impersonator starts to sing Beatles-songs.

Spanish beach culture is crazy on Sundays. the Spaniards all flock to the beachfront in massive numbers on their day off. it’s not for me today. I need space. I stay at the urbanicacion, and read Marit Eikemo. “Samtale Ventar” is even better than “Arbeid Pågår”. the best writers apparently all come from Odda. I think I would’ve liked to meet Marit, and more importantly; I think she would’ve liked to meet me!

the vacationers at our urbanicacion are successful and well off Norwegians. directors, lawyers and doctors. they don’t know anything about literature. or rock’n’roll. a young girl stands in the corner at the tennis court and watches her parents play. she looks tense.

it’s Spanish Sunday.

2 Responses

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  1. hobokollektiv said, on July 24, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    So you bring them directors, lawyers & doctors the incredible Norwegian captein rock’n’roll & blues. And the young spanish girls all go crazy. And we all call it Spanish Sunday. And that makes all the difference, buddy. All the difference, pal!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

    • Knutsvik said, on July 24, 2013 at 5:39 PM

      ay, Fritsch, buddy – those Spanish senoritas and their … uh paellas, huh? you gotta love ’em 😀

      thanks, pal!


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